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Cool concept! I like it! Did you plan and design the whole game by yourself ?


Not sure WHY, but on wave 11, 1 out of 5 of my guys died, and it said I lost. The remaining 4 took out the opponents, but I was stuck having to start from wave 1 again.

Yeah this bug was brought to my attention, no clue why this keeps happening and it's so frustrating cuz I can't seem to replicate it in engine. Will dig further in the post-jam update!


Neat!  Simple but effective.  Great start!  The juice on the attacks and the blood effects are great.  I wasn't sure about picking up health upgrades not knowing the characters health and I did run into the characters getting stuck bug.  Great job

Thank you! Any features you’d like to see added in a post-jam version?

The core is solid so really just more content.  More synergistic upgrades over just stat boosts would be nice too.


Promising, but I hit a bug right after the first restart; my guy and the enemy just stand next to each other not doing anything. They could hit each other when they weren't close. It's like the sprite and hit box aren't in the same spot or something.

Ohh yeah there was an issue like that, the only fix right now is either drag the unit away and then it works fine OR restarting the game, sorry about that! Will be the first thing on my to-fix list post-jam!

Will it be fixed soon? i was having a lot of fun but restarting constantly because it doesn't work is annoying